Digital Cooperation & Diplomacy Network 2021

Digital Cooperation & Diplomacy Network














  • 10:30 am Welcome – Vint Cerf
  • 10:35 am Digital Cooperation and Digital Capacity Building – Robert Opp, UNDP
  • 10:45 am ITU WDTC regional consultations update – Doreen Bogdan, ITU
  • 10:55 am Regional Collaboration on Climate and Disaster Insurance (slides) – Benedikt Signer, World Bank Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program
  • 11:20 am Digital Building Block working groups Update – David Roos, GIZ, Germany
  • 11:30 am IEEE Standards Association – Open Source Platform – Alpesh Shah and Adam Newman
  • 11:45 am Rethinking the mSME Financing Ecosystem (slides) – Barbara Meynert, UNESCAP Sustainable Business Network
  • 12:00 pm AERAP Europe Africa Science Digital and UN76 Programme – Declan Kirrane
  • 12:10 pm Newcomers self-introduction and discussion
  • 12:25 pm Closing Remarks – Vint Cerf
  • 12:30 pm Close



  • 10:30 am Welcome – Vint Cerf
  • 10:35 am Digital Cooperation and UNDP – Robert Opp, UNDP
  • 10:45 am Calendar – Please send me opportunities for collaboration – Mei Lin
  • 10:50 am Working together to accelerate inclusive national digital transformations – Kate Wilson – Digital Impact Alliance (slides)
  • 11:20 am Digital ASEAN in historical cultural context (slides) – Leng Lim
  • 11:35 am Metrics and baselines for Meaningful Connectivity (slides) – Thierry Geiger & Alex Wong, ITU (followed by exchange with participants)
  • 12:00 pm Digital Building Blocks – the Estonian perspective Marten Kaevats – Estonia National Digital Advisor
  • 12:10 pm Newcomers self-introduction and if time permits, discussion
  • 12:25 pm Closing Remarks – Vint Cerf
  • 12:30 pm Close



  • 10:30 am Welcome – Vint Cerf and Mei Lin
  • 10:35 am Data Driven Digital Transformation – Ray Wang, Constellation Research
  • 10:45 am Newcomers self-introduction
  • 10:55 am Global Public Utility for SME Financing – Nitin Badjatia PCI-Digital Finance
  • 11:05 am Citizen Journalism & Transterra Media – Maria Dayton
  • 11:15 am Digital Building Blocks enable Local Digital Capacity- Mei Lin Fung, PCI (8 minutes)
    Invited Remarks (5 minutes each):
    Christian Gmelin – Germany, Head of Collaborative Innovation, GIZ
    Marten Kaevats – Estonia National Digital Advisor
    MJ Kochendorfer – Director of Policy at DIAL – Digital Impact Alliance
    Michael Sung – Fudan University, Center for FinTech Research, Chair CarbonBlue
  • 11:45 am Metrics and baselines for Meaningful Connectivity – Doreen Bogdan & Alex Wong, ITU (followed by exchange with participants)
  • 12:00 pm Planet Home – Antony Randall, Planet Home
  • 12:10 pm Digital Transformation Building Blocks: A Perspective – Robert Opp, UNDP (followed by exchange with participants)
  • 12:25 pm Closing Remarks – Vint Cerf
  • 12:30 pm Close


  • 10.30 am Welcome – Vint Cerf; Purpose of meeting – Mei Lin Fung
  • 10.35 am Data Capital & Global Economy (slides) – Nitin Badjatia, Customer Commons with Doc Searls
  • 10:45 am UNSG Digital Capacity Building Update Robert Opp, Chief Digital Officer, UNDP
  • 10.50 am Perspective on the UN SDG Digital Building Blocks – David Roos, GIZ, Germany
  • 11:00 am Unpacking the FinTech Stack – Discussion (slides) – Prof. Michael Sung, Carbon.Blue
  • 11:10 am UNSG Digital Cooperation – Global Connectivity and the Digital Transformation Centers, Doreen Bogdan, Director ITU-D, Mike Nxele, DTC’s – ITU
  • 11:20 am Update on Digital Cooperation and Diplomacy informal network (slides) – Mei Lin Fung
  • 11:30 am Introductions –Name, location, affiliation – brief remarks by newcomers
  • 11:50 am Alliance for an Affordable Internet Update – Sonia Jorge, Web Foundation
  • 11:55 am About Community Networks – Jane Coffin, the Internet Society
  • 12:00 pm Moderated Discussion and Final Remarks – Vint Cerf
  • 12:30 pm Adjourn

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