Digital Cooperation & Diplomacy Network 2024

Digital Cooperation & Diplomacy Network







  • 10:30 am Welcome – Dr. Nele Leosk, Chair of Digital Cooperation and Diplomacy.
  • 10:35 am Singapore AI Governance –  Johnson Paul, Director, Group Business Development, Meinhardt Singapore.
  • 10:50 am Outcomes from WRC, Diana Tomimura, Head, Strategy, Spectrum Policy and Digitalization Division from BR, ITU.
  • 11:00 am Outcomes from The Green Digital Action program from COP28, Robin Zuercher, Programme Officer for Green Digital Action, ITU.
  • 11:10 am Finland AI Governance –  Konstantinos Kostas.
  • 11:25 am Estonia AI Governance –  Kristel Kiisa, AI in public sector project manager.
  • 11:40 am Digital Planet –Bhaskar Chakravorti.
  • 11:55 am Closing Remarks –  Dr. Nele Leosk, Chair of Digital Cooperation and Diplomacy.
  • 12:00 pm Close.

Watch previous Digital Cooperation & Diplomacy Network meetings:

Watch all 2023 meetings here.

Watch all 2022 meetings here.

Watch all 2021 meetings here.