Digital Finance

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(REF DF24) How Development Finance can support Science for the SDGs, including leveraging other funding instruments, Convened by ISC

(REF DF28) How Development Finance can support science to achieve the SDGs Abstract Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are specialised development organisations that are usually majority-owned by national governments. DFIs invest in private sector projects in low and middle-income countries to promote job creation and sustainable economic growth. They apply stringent investment criteria aimed at safeguarding… Continue reading (REF DF24) How Development Finance can support Science for the SDGs, including leveraging other funding instruments, Convened by ISC

(REF DF28)Roundtable discussion on how Development Finance can support the SDGs, with particular focus on Hi-Tech Skills including leveraging funding instruments at a global level.

15h00 Declan Kirrane, Welcome Remarks Dr. Rita Lawlor Biobank Director, ARC-Net and University of Verona, Moderator 15h05 Ms. Eva Kaili MEP, European Parliament, Keynote Remarks 15h15 Prof Ian Jones, Innopharma Education 15h25 Prof Kurt Zatloukal Medical University Graz 15h35 Discussants:           Mr. Barry Palte CEO, EQ Capital Partners           Dr. Fuad Mrad Director, United Nations Economic and Social Commission… Continue reading (REF DF28)Roundtable discussion on how Development Finance can support the SDGs, with particular focus on Hi-Tech Skills including leveraging funding instruments at a global level.

Global SME Finance Forum 2021

Welcome & Keynote: Facilitating Green and Inclusive Solutions through Technology Welcome MC - Georja Calvin-Smith, Writer, TV Journalist Opening Keynote: Facilitating Green and Inclusive Solutions through Technology Speaker: Vint Cerf, Vice President, and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google Tamara Singh, Board Member, People-Centered Internet Justin Rice, Vice President of Ecosystem, Stellar Development Foundation Please register here … Continue reading Global SME Finance Forum 2021

IGF 2021 Open Forum #62 EU Delegation to the IGF & the Youth IGF Theme (EMERGING AND CROSS-CUTTING) Inclusive IG ecosystems and digital cooperation Round Table - U-shape - 60 Min Add this session to your schedule by clicking here. Description   We will discuss how the young and the Youth IGF Leaders can influence choice of internet policies.  The main idea of the present proposal for an Open Forum… Continue reading IGF 2021 Open Forum #62 EU Delegation to the IGF & the Youth IGF

Launch of the inaugural meeting of the Digital Cooperation and Development Forum (DCDF-2021)

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Esteemed guests,   Join us for the launch of the inaugural meeting of the Digital Cooperation and Development Forum (DCDF-2021)   Where: Virtually, via Zoom >> REGISTER HERE When: Tuesday 14 December 2021, 12:00 p.m Beirut Time Event Website: We look forward to your active participation in the Forum’s events… Continue reading Launch of the inaugural meeting of the Digital Cooperation and Development Forum (DCDF-2021)

Digital Humanism Lecture Series

Virtual Meeting

Speaker: Antonio Casilli (School of telecommunications engineering | Polytechnic Institute of Paris) Moderator: Enrico Nardelli (University of Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Italy) (Sociologist, What is a 'Truly Ethical' Artificial Intelligence? An end-to-end approach to responsible and humane technological systems   About the Series Digital humanism deals with the complex relationship between man and machine. It acknowledges the potential of Informatics… Continue reading Digital Humanism Lecture Series

Clean-IT openXchange: As the World Digitizes, We Must Avoid the Plastics Problem

Virtual Meeting Speaking: PCI Board Chair Mei Lin Fung Zoom Link: (Meeting ID: 696 6844 3297 Passcode: 24778554) Description: Clean IT Initiative Clean-IT openXchange: The clean-IT openXchange is a series of live talks and events on sustainable digitization. Once every month, experts present a topic on which participants can then directly ask questions and discuss. The topics… Continue reading Clean-IT openXchange: As the World Digitizes, We Must Avoid the Plastics Problem

Digital Humanism Lecture Series

Virtual Meeting

About the Series Digital humanism deals with the complex relationship between man and machine. It acknowledges the potential of Informatics and IT. At the same time, it points to related apparent threats such as privacy violations, ethical concerns with AI, automation, and loss of jobs, and the ongoing monopolization on the Web. The Corona crisis… Continue reading Digital Humanism Lecture Series