Vint Cerf & Steve Crocker: A Conversation With Internet Pioneers

Join the Foundry and the TechPolicyGrind Podcast for a live and in-person conversation with Internet pioneers Vint Cerf and Steve Crocker on the evolution of the Internet from its original inception, and its future in light of the innovation that has followed since. This event will be held on Thursday, August 18 at 4 p.m. Eastern in Washington D.C.

Building a resilience ecosystem in Puerto Rico

Digital Puerto Rico and Resiliency Innovation Network

In 2018, following the devastation of hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico, People-Centered Internet fielded a team of experts, working with the RAND Corporation, to offer recommendations for leveraging the Internet for the archipelago’s recovery plan. This initiative followed extensive disaster response work by PCI community member, Melvin Cordova, through his “Project Coqui.” PCI team members — including Marci Harris, Mei Lin Fung, and Lin Wells — traveled multiple times to Puerto Rico to engage with local business leaders, innovators, academics, and policymakers. They also participated in a knowledge-exchange trip, organized by Mei Lin Fung, for leaders from Puerto Rico to visit Singapore and engage with their counterparts in business, government, and academia to learn from Singapore’s post-colonial transformation. PCI’s work culminated in 11 recommendations (courses of action or “COAs”) for leveraging federal programs and private resources for Puerto Rico’s recovery and were included in the plan submitted to Congress.