
Italy G7 Presidency Think7 Policy Communiqué 2024

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Italy Think7 Policies 2024

Improving Global Governance: Data Cooperatives for Global Cooperation

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An Integrated Global Bio-data Governance Framework Enhancing Human Rights and Prosperity

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CBDCs: A Gateway to Finance for MSMEs: Paving a Practical Path to Prosperity

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Japan G7 Presidency Think7 Policy Communiqué 2023

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Japan Think7 Policy 2023

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Germany G7 Presidency Think7 Policy Communiqué 2022

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Germany Think7 Policies 2022

Central Bank Digital Currencies: Governance, Interoperability and Inclusive growth

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Towards and inclusive climate alliance with balance of carrots and sticks

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Build Digital Public Goods for Health: A Private and Public Sector Global Initiative

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Clean-IT: Policies to Support Energy - Efficient Digital Systems

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Community Climate Clubs to Motivate and Create Personal Action for an Equitable World

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Digital Utilities for Scientific Research Towards an Equitable World

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Global Public-Private Digital Utilities for MSME Recovery and Transition

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Research, Evidence and Learning – The Need for a Global Infrastructure

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Keeping the World Economy on Track: Dealing with the Short - Term Emergency and Pursuing Longer-Term Objectives

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Scaling Up sustainable finance to enable sustainable economic recoveries

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Scaling Climate Goals through the use of technical experts Digital technical knowledge commons

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