Hasso Plattner Institute named Mei Lin Fung the latest HPI Fellow at the Clean-IT Summit

Hasso Plattner Institute named Mei Lin Fung the latest HPI Fellow at the Clean-IT Summit

The Clean-IT Summit is an international platform for the exchange of ideas to make the digital world more sustainable. High-ranking policy and industry leaders engaged in a dialogue with academia and civil society to address the pressing issue of how digital technologies can support the fight against climate change and what needs to be done to reduce the carbon footprint of digitalization on March 30, at the Hasso Plattner Institute.

The full-day agenda featured keynotes from the German State Secretaries for Economic Affairs & Climate, Dr. Franciszka Branter and Digital & Transport, Stefan Schnorr,  with the IEEE Standards Association Managing Director, Konstantinos Karachalios. Mei Lin gave the closing keynote on Clean-IT following the presentation of the medal of the Hasso Plattner Fellowship by the CEO of HPI, Professor Dr. Christoph Meinel. The summit was translated into English and the link will be shared when available.

The Fellowship was awarded for Mei Lin’s work with HPI on Clean IT to bring in the policy implications for Clean-IT, which was recognized by the Italy G20 presidency in 2021, and continuing engagement with the Indonesian G20 in 2022, also the German G7 presidency in 2022. More in the Think7 article below.

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